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My first children's book

This is Kim

What makes your book unique?

While there are other children’s books available about the experience of moving from one place to another, I felt that there was a gap about the expatriate experience from a child’s perspective. This experience of relocating from one place to another – making friends and having them leave months or years later, living far away from family, friends, and loved ones, creating your own support network of friends from all over the world – it is an extremely unique experience. It can be a struggle for adults to manage, so I could only imagine how tough it must be for children. After moving here, and watching my oldest daughter go through heartbreak as her best friends moved away with little to no warning, I wanted to capture this experience in a series of books. From Charleston to Accra is the first book in this series. I thought it might make the transition easier for children who are just starting to experience life as an expatriate. I also thought a lot of children would be able to relate to the characters and the story.
For those children who aren’t able to travel, I thought it would be a wonderful way to see the world and learn about a new experience from someone with whom they can relate. Finally, by collaborating with a local illustrator, I thought it would do a great honor to Ghana and its citizens by having the series take place here in Accra and capture the beauty and wonder of this magnificent country.

Where to find the book:
Vidya Bookstore in Osu & Labone, EPP Bookstore in East Legon, Sytris Bookstore in East Legon, Mint Club in Airport Residential, Carlin Ghana & Papyrus Creations at Palace Mall Spintex, Pen & Paper at MaxMart 37

What is your favourite spot you like to go with your family?

We really love to go as a family to Pinnochio/La Piazza in Osu – whether it’s a pizza night in or dinner and dessert out. We absolutely love the food and atmosphere at the restaurant and the kids adore the authentic gelato! It’s usually where we go to celebrate little triumphs in our family, or just the fact that Daddy is back from a work trip.

Why are we asking this question? Having kids is always portrayed as something "beautiful" but we all know it's not easy to raise a child. We want to show other parents that we all struggle from time to time and that it's ok.

My biggest struggle has really been my two daughters missing their father while he is traveling. My husband’s position here required him to travel very, very often, from the first week we arrived here in Accra. I never really hired a staff (nanny or driver), so I have been taking care of the girls and the household mostly on my own while he’s away. But the hardest thing about the travel has been trying to assuage my daughters’ aching hearts – they always miss him so much when he’s away, whether it’s a quick trip for a couple days or he’s away for weeks. It’s hardest because I’m also sad and missing him at the same time – and I know he’s stuck in a hotel or on some ship missing us as well. Luckily, I have found some tricks to help, like getting the girls lockets with our pictures in them that they can wear on a day they miss him a lot, or spraying his cologne on their teddy bears when I tuck them into bed on a particularly sad night.

What was your biggest struggle you had as a parent?


Mommin' abroad

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